Forms of Support for a Rapha Journey
The journey we invite people into is a cathartic, experiential journey of releasing toxic pain and emotional trauma, while changing the attitudes and lifestyle that contributes to it. We call this journey a Rapha journey – which is the Hebrew word for healing and wholeness.
The goal of the Rapha journey is to become more and more of the person we are created to be. In our experience, this is a journey best done with others: in community. We have a wide range of options to support this journey including our online forum, small groups, other community and social activities.
The Rapha journey is unique for each individual and requires ownership and commitment. We provide tools and support structures for clients to begin, and deeply engage this journey. We call our program a ‘journey’ for good reason… it is a process and not an instant fix. This journey is one that we commit to walking with each person for as long as they choose.

Resources & Learning
We have a vast library of recorded workshops and a variety of written and audio resources around topics people generally struggle with. These materials often include practical steps setting out how to let go of damage, welcoming change, or moving into growth. They allow people to choose their own priorities for their journeying and to receive extra teaching and support for whatever area they are ready to pursue.
Most resources can be found on the Rapha Journey website.

Small Groups & Peer-to-Peer Support
Small groups are one of the core aspects of transformation and community within Finding Freedom. These non-judgmental spaces provide the support for people to dig into their Journey of healing with others who are doing the same. Our expert-by-experience model lends itself well to these groups – as one person moves forward in their Journey everyone in the group benefits.
Our peer-to-peer method of support (based on our expert-by-experience model), offers a similar benefit. Those supporting others have all walked their own Journey of healing and transformation and in these sessions they are able to guide, empower, and support others to do the same.
If you are interested in more information, let us know.

Workshops & Community Events
We run 8-10 workshops each year on a variety of topics. Included are practical steps in supporting a journey, in both a faith-based language and non-faith based language. In addition, in Bozeman, we have many community gatherings throughout the month ranging from more public spaces that foster social atmospheres, to more intimate spaces that encourage deeper relational connections. Visitors are welcome at all our events.

Online Community & Forum
Moderated by an experienced team, this online platform allows people all over the world to connect with one another in offering support and encouragement for walking the Rapha journey. Members of our online community share stories of success, questions, and ideas. We provide relational support through our online community so that nobody needs to journey alone. It’s available 24/7 and is a community of peer support full of practical steps to ensure recovery, growth, and continued learning.
The online community is hosted on the Rapha Journey site. Check it out!

Life Skills Support
As part of our holistic model of healing, we offer a variety of practical support. Those needing assistance in managing their finances and learning a basic understanding of financial principles is a good example. This includes budgeting, bill pay, and debt management.
Healthy living is one of the areas that we are unable to maintain when our life is in crisis. Once a person has found some stability, we will often assist clients in learning and implementing better nutrition and exercise habits and a deeper love for their bodies.
Based on our model of Therapeutic Community, one of the ingrained benefits of our programs is that they are based around community and salugenic (wholeness- creating) relationships. We learn together how to build interpersonal skills that create the richness of our community. This is hugely beneficial because it breaks the cycles of loneliness and isolation.
Contact Us for more information.

Morrisby Profile
The Rapha journey is not just about cleaning up the damage in our life, it is absolutely about empowering people to begin to dream again about their future. For instance we have found that our Morrisby psychometric assessments are the perfect tool to helps people to discover their natural skill sets. A Morrisby profile gives direction about the hobbies, education, and employment where we are most likely to succeed. This is hugely impactful and enables people to believe and hope in their future. Contact us for more information.

The Landing
2419 E. Cameron Bridge Road
Bozeman, MT 59718
Finding Freedom is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization
(Tax ID # 82-3389364).
© 2018 Finding Freedom
Give the gift of
to those in need.