Community Evening

Join us for our Community Evening in-person at Al & Sue Deibert's home (2470 Etta Place). We will begin the evening with a potluck dinner – please bring a main dish, side dish, or dessert. Dinner starts at 6:15pm – worship and sharing at 7:30pm. The gathering will end around 8:30pm. If you can't be […]


Workshop – Dismantling the Power of Addiction: A message of hope and healing

The Commons 1794 Baxter Lane East, Bozeman, MT, United States

Almost anything deeply enjoyable has the potential to be addictive. For as long as human beings have had ways to feel good, we have struggled to know when it’s time to stop. For many the consequences are devastating. For some they are fatal. It has been suggested that there are over 500 possible addictions. These […]


Community Evening – in person and on Zoom

Join us for our Community Evening 6pm onwards - newcomers welcome. We begin in-person with a shared meal together – if you can, bring a main dish, side dish, or dessert. Our online community joins from 7.15pm MDT with worship, testimonies, and sharing. Our evening will wrap-up between 8.30 - 9:00pm. Location varies - 26th […]


Community Evening

Join us for our Community Evening in-person at Jim & Darla's home (85 Nellie Court in Manhattan). We will begin the evening with a potluck dinner – if you can, please bring a main dish, side dish, or dessert. Dinner will begin at 6pm, but you are welcome to arrive anytime throughout the evening. Worship, […]

Workshop: Closer than a Brother

The Commons 1794 Baxter Lane East, Bozeman, MT, United States

Scripture speaks highly of what we can know and feel in our relationship with God, in this life, not just in the next. In the midst of the raw reality of our daily experiences, it is suggested that Christ will call us Friend, that we will know His voice, that we will be in Him, […]

Light Up The Landing

The Landing - Home of Finding Freedom 2419 E. Cameron Bridge Rd, Bozeman, MT

Community Evening

Join us for our Community Evening in-person at The Landing (2419 E. Cameron Bridge Road). We will begin the evening with a potluck dinner – if you can, please bring a main dish, side dish, or dessert. Dinner will begin at 6pm, but you are welcome to arrive anytime throughout the evening. Worship, a message, […]

Restart: Unlocking the Power of Transformational Rapha Groups

The Commons 1794 Baxter Lane East, Bozeman, MT, United States

We have some exciting news about new developments in our Women's Rapha Groups! Here is some introductory information and an invite to an event in January. You are welcome whether you are in a group or not. We are All Unique in How We Journey!Not all of us are looking for the same type of support […]
