YOU Matter! – A gratitude and visioning celebration

Join us for an evening of celebration. We will be looking back over this last year and honor all the challenges and victories that we have walked through together as a community. We will also look forward, into this next year, and envision together what we believe God is calling us into.  We also have […]

Workshop – Woman: Created Equal?

The Commons 1794 Baxter Lane East, Bozeman, MT, United States

For the last few hundred years the prevailing view in many parts of society and the church has been that woman, created after Adam, was either an afterthought, or merely a servant (‘helper’) given to man. Is this God’s perspective? Much new thinking has been emerging based around Genesis 1-3, regarding alternative ways of understanding […]

Women’s Q&A Session (virtual)

MT, United States

Ladies, we are going to be hosting a virtual Women's Q&A session. We want this to be a time for us to come together and ask questions about the current challenges or any aspect of your journey.  If you don’t have a question but want to come, you are welcome too. There will be a lot […]

Women’s Q&A Session (virtual)

MT, United States

Ladies, we are going to be hosting a virtual Women's Q&A session. We want this to be a time for us to come together and ask questions about the current challenges or any aspect of your journey.  If you don’t have a question but want to come, you are welcome too. There will be a lot […]


Women’s Q&A Session (virtual)

MT, United States

Ladies, we are going to be hosting a virtual Women's Q&A session. We want this to be a time for us to come together and ask questions about the current challenges or any aspect of your journey.  If you don’t have a question but want to come, you are welcome too. There will be a lot […]

Workshop – Compassion Fatigue: Its causes and cures

The Commons 1794 Baxter Lane East, Bozeman, MT, United States

  Many people find that people and relationships can be tiring. When we need to provide support, love and care for others it can be exhausting, leaving us depleted and sometimes even resentful. We can feel ill-equipped, vulnerable, and perhaps overwhelmed. Even if this doesn’t apply to you, there will be people close to you […]

YOU Matter! – A gratitude and visioning celebration

Join us for an evening of celebration. This is a followup meeting to our YOU Matter! gathering in November 2020. This gathering will be a time for us to lay out our goals for 2021 along with a financial review, announce and celebrate the new name for our land (watch out for an email so […]


Community Evening (virtual)

Although we can't have our normal Community Evening we do still want to gather together as a community, virtually.  We will be using Zoom as the meeting platform.  Our time together will include space for sharing our personal and corporate challenges and celebrations, prayer, and Peter has something from the Lord to share with us. You […]

Workshop – Empowered to Change: What does it take to bring change in ourselves and others?

The Commons 1794 Baxter Lane East, Bozeman, MT, United States

“I wish I could change! I wish they would change! I wish that would change!” It is a frequent cry in our lives. Perhaps we face a habit that stubbornly refuses our attempts to be different. Perhaps we sincerely make promises to change and find ourselves shamed when we repeat the very action or attitude […]

Men’s Event – Coffee, Donuts, and Burn!

The Landing - Home of Finding Freedom 2419 E. Cameron Bridge Rd, Bozeman, MT

This event is for all men to come and spend time together. You are welcome to come and enjoy coffee, a doughnut, and conversation with other men. And if you want, to help with our project of burning the pile of branches at The Landing from last fall. All men are welcomed from ages 16 […]
