Meet Sonia…

At age 16, I was diagnosed with a chronic, incurable muscle disorder. Among other things, it created difficulties for me in my education. I grew up in a Christian household, but after receiving this diagnosis things spiraled downward. I was devastated and without hope. I sought sources of temporary happiness that were destructive in my life. I turned away from God while rebelling from my parents and the person I was created to be. I did not believe I would ever be healed so why even try?

Four years later, I remember thinking there has to be more to life. I decided I wanted to change and invite God back into my life. My family had been seeking healing through Rapha and I saw huge changes in their lives. The choice to give it a try changed my life.

When I first started my journey, I knew I had a lot of things to work through. Little did I know I would also be given a promise for physical healing, that would help me find peace during months of suffering. I had to do an intense journey looking at lots of memories and feelings. I have since received healing from the hopeless and worthless feelings I battled. As I embraced this emotional and spiritual healing, my body also reacted in very healthy ways. I began having more energy, and my muscles started to get healthier and stronger.

In the summer of 2017, I began questioning this healing. Some things had happened during the year that had hurt me deeply and instead of using the tools I’d learned on my journey, I buried the pain. One day at a farmer’s market, my attention was caught by a beautiful ring with a light pink garnet in the center, surrounded by two rows of white sapphires. I bought the ring for a little over $100. As the man was writing my receipt, he said, “I am so glad you are getting this ring, you deserve it.” Walking away I thought it was odd, but didn’t think much of it. The next day, I took the ring to be appraised. I was told the sapphires were actually diamonds and the garnet was a semi-precious stone, valuing the ring at over $2,000. I was in shock. I knew God was speaking to me about the gift of healing He was giving me. I went home in awe. I had to do some work to
welcome this new ‘valuable’ sense of who I was becoming, instead of the self-hate I had slipped into.

Almost five years after starting my Rapha journey, I know that no matter if I am healed physically or not, God has been healing the entire time. He has been carefully piecing my broken parts back together and giving me healing and wholeness that has provided me a new future.

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The Landing
2419 E. Cameron Bridge Road
Bozeman, MT 59718

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