This Friday evening, September 18th, we are hosting our Community Evening in person at our new location (2419 E. Cameron Bridge Road). We will be gathering at 6:30pm. There will be no shared food, due to Covid-19, however we encourage you to bring your dinner and we will eat together on the lawn. We will then migrate to our large barn and worship together and hear from Peter.
We are missing being together in person, so we look forward to welcoming you all. We will be encouraging social distancing, which is why this evening will be held outside. Please bring a chair with you, if you are able. And the barn is not heated so it would be good to bring a jacket with you as well.
Our special area of focus is to create safe relationships and offer resources for people struggling with seasons of brokenness and especially emotional difficulties – either their own or someone close to them. Our community is active in reaching out to support those in the Valley who are in the midst of a time of need, whether historic or current.